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Sprinkler Daddy Says:
What's up with the different house connections?

House Connections For Underground Sprinkler Systems
PVC vs. Brass

There are two types of house connections Sprinkler Daddy uses in underground sprinkler systems - PVC and Brass.  

The PVC model is made primarily of (as the name suggests) PVC pipe.  PVC house connections are a lower cost option than brass, but they are vulnerable to cracking if the ground shifts.  They are a little bit more bulky than brass, but they get the job done if you're on a budget. 

Brass house connections are a little bit more expensive (ballpark $10 more per unit) but they are much more durable, look better on the side of your house, and are more compact than a PVC house connection.

PVC House Connection For Underground Sprinkler System

Sprinkler Daddy
Regina, SK
Phone: 306.757.2677
Fax: 306.757.2678
Email: info@sprinklerdaddy.ca